We are so happy to have the Healthy Living & Gluten Free Expo back at The Salem Convention Center this Saturday, November 3, 2012. The expo debuted here last year and it was so successful, it is back and even better than before. The event aims to address the needs of the increasing number of people who live with dietary limitations by providing special presentations and a vendor fair that features gluten free manufacturers, services, restaurants and other wellness providers. The educational workshops from medical and lifestyle experts include: “7 Steps You Can Take to be Healthier in 2013″ by Dr. Peter Lind “Comforting Soups to Meet Your Needs” by Nancy Ludwig “I Have to be Gluten Free?”: Defining gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease in 2012 Dr. Lisa Shaver “Transitioning from Gluten Free to Paleo; How to Survive Grain Free” by Tammy Credicott “Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance in the Media” by Nadine Grezkowiak “How Being Organized Can Help A Person Achieve A Healthier And Happy Life” by Julie Starr Hook This event promises to be fun and informative for anyone who wants to increase their levels of health and life enjoyment. To learn more, healthylivingandglutenfreeexpo.com and Like them on Facebook. Photo Credits: Healthy Living & Gluten Free Expo