When it comes to significant milestones, there is perhaps none more important than graduation. Graduation ceremonies are taking place in many forms this spring across the country, and schools are doing their best to host commencements that resemble anything close to the traditional graduations that came to halt last year-with modifications. Locally, educational institutions like Willamette University and Chemeketa Community College hosted virtual ceremonies, while many Salem-Keizer high schools are planning on in-person events, mostly outdoors, to recognize their seniors. So what DOES the future of graduations look like here in Salem, Oregon, and throughout the rest of the country? Will most of them remain virtual or outdoors? Are “Drive Through” graduation ceremonies going to be the norm? Will graduates ever have the privilege of celebrating this milestone in person with family and friends ever again? It all depends on multiple variables and how well our country can manage and contain the COVID-19 crisis. Fortunately, recent CDC data indicates there are reasons to be hopeful, and that the return of in-person events are appearing more promising by the day. While we don't have a crystal ball, here are some ways we predict schools will add more “pomp and circumstance” to graduation ceremonies in the future. Here are some predictions on what the future of graduation ceremonies will look like. Communities Will Continue to Find Creative Ways to Honor Graduates. Though the pandemic has radically changed graduations and certain traditions as we know them, many school communities decided to get creative and adopted new traditions to honor their graduates; many of which are here to stay. One of the special new traditions happening across the country is COVID-safe celebratory car parades for graduates, while others like this Florida school have created individual posters for each member of their graduating class to display in front of the school property for all to see. Other institutions like this California art school managed to honor each graduate by spotlighting their talent and unique qualities in a pre-recorded video that aired during a live stream. There are heart-warming stories from all over about how local businesses and communities are coming together to ensure their graduates feel special, and we expect this sentiment will remain for some time to come. More Schools Will Embrace “Hybrid Events”. When it comes to virtual events and in-person events, there are pros and cons for both. That is why we predict the demand for Hybrid Graduation Cermonies and Events will be on the rise for some time to come. Hybrid events allow for in-person gatherings with the option of participating virtually. Many graduates and their families want desperately to gather in person, and some will not be comfortable with an in-person gathering for some time to come. Hybrid events and meetings provide a solution that will likely be a popular option well beyond 2021. The Salem Convention Center is partnering with Allied Video Productions to create a one-of-a-kind hybrid event experience for our clients. Certain Traditions Will Not Return. Like all businesses and events throughout our country, schools will be encouraged to do away with aspects of the ceremony that could promote community spread. It may be awhile before we see graduates crossing the stage to shake hands with school officials and receive their diplomas. Schools will likely also keep the commencement program shorter by limiting the number of speakers and performers. It is likely we will continue to observe social distancing measures and large crowds will be a thing of the past, at least for a while. Some In-Person Special Honorary Events Will Return. The Class of 2020 and 2021 unfortunately missed out on many of the special perks and events that come with being a senior, like proms, academic ceremonies, senior banquets, etc. However, we predict a welcome return of these events, with modifications. School sponsored events to honor seniors will have to happen either outside or occur in larger venues, so attendees have more space to spread out and maintain social distancing. Facilities will be expected to keep up with new sanitation practices. More Commencement Speakers will be Virtual. Though in-person graduations and speakers are the preferred option for many, there is a silver lining. Not only has it allowed family members and friends who are unable to travel to watch the ceremony, it also gives schools more flexibility to engage higher level keynote speakers, which would not have otherwise been able to join due to scheduling or budget constraints. Ceremonies and Celebrations Will Be Smaller. Schools and universities are having to rethink how in-person commencements will be staged to minimize the spread of COVID-19. One solution is to host multiple in-person commencement ceremonies for smaller groups spread over a period of several days, rather than one giant commencement ceremony with massive numbers of graduates and their families. Another modification is to limit the number of guests allowed to attend commencement in person. Some schools and universities are already doing this by hosting in-person ceremonies that are limited to graduates only, while family and friends are invited to join the celebration virtually. There is no denying that commencement ceremonies, as we know them, are going to look different for the foreseeable future. However, students and their families will still find ways to celebrate each other and find closure as they move forward into the next chapter of their lives. We don't know what the future holds for in-person ceremonies, like graduations, or when life will return to “normal', but as long as there are convention facilities like the Salem Convention Center that can host events safely and optimize them with new technology, graduates will still celebrate their achievements with dignity and the “pomp and circumstance” they deserve. Contact us to learn more about our Social Event Packages at 1-866-614-1900 or email sales@salemconventioncenter.org.